Thursday, April 19, 2012

10 thing i like about norfolk

  1. We are generally good at sports.
  2. We have a lot of nice kids here. 
  3. It is fairly small, I can ride my bike from one side to another.
  4. All my best friends live here.
  5. We have pretty good restaurants here.
  6. We are going to get a water park.
  7. It is a sort of big town with a small town feel.
  8. We have pretty good stores at our mall.
  9. Most of the teachers are cool here.
  10. We have a really good basketball program.


  1. Good post. I wish that my town had a waterpark!

  2. I can ride my bike from one side to the other in York too! By the way, my name is Riley too!

  3. We have pretty cool teachers too. Even our teacher, Mr. Sautter.

    1. We have a couple of bad teachers, but not too many.
